
Oh the Beginning..

Okay...so, I've had a lot of time to think today. Why more time than usual? Well, boyfriend is out of town hunting with no cell phone service. Mom is decorating the house for Christmas and refuses to be a part of "Black Friday" shopping. My friends all suck. Haha. So the result- me thinking. This could be extremely dangerous.. ;)

Lately life has been so rushed. Between school, all-star cheerleading, the holidays, school cheerleading, I haven't hardly had time to think of anything other than Hamlet and high v's. Every week seems like it drags on for years, and it feels like school will never end. Then, at night, when I finally have time to collect the little thoughts I have, I realize how fast time is actually going. I remember when I just turned 12 and that Christmas I got a mini-classroom in our basement. Now, I'm 17 in two weeks and I'll be lucky if I get the $400 camera I want. I just can't believe how fast it has all gone by. Sad.

Last week, my fish, Alice, died. I was like really upset because he was a beta fish and was supposed to live for like... ever. I cried and all as he was going down the toilet- it was dramatic. So today I went shopping for a replacement fish and found the cutest thing ever. Her name is Betsey. She's like a puffy goldfish. Oh my goodness she's adorable. After I got her, of course, Baret -my little sister- had to get one, and I kind of wanted to get her a friend. The pet store was closed. We decided to just go tomorrow and then went to Wal-Mart for MORE Christmas decorations... The beta fish there were just sitting on a shelf in little plastic containers dying. I started freaking out and my parents were like super embarrassed. It's just not fair. I mean, you can't sit things with life on a shelf next to the dog food.

Let's just say PETA will be hearing about this one...

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