
I love starting over...

Wow.. It's only been a few months since I last posted and so much has changed. I'm sad to say all of the fish are dead. I know right? I bought like three within a good 2 weeks and they all died. It wasn't as tragic as Alice's death, I mean, Betsey and Johnson weren't around long enough. Haha. Okay... so update. I'll start with a quote:

"I love the moments in life when you realize how little you actually lost and how much you're able to gain"

That's been my facebook status for at least 3 days now.. lame, I know. It just fits my life so well right now. Here's why...
So at the end of January me and Bradford broke up. We had dated for a year and it was pretty hard I'm not going to lie, but it happened for a reason and I'm better off now. Friends have been good. It's amazing how much closer you can get to people when you invest just a little more time into their lives. They didn't like Bradford very much, so when we broke up they had like 10x more time for me all of a sudden. Which I understand.. he was kind of a jerk to them. Family has been awesome. Tyler's in Tuscaloosa and I miss him like crazy... as for everyone else, still here and crazier than ever. Typical Steeds and Barkers. :] School has been kinda insane.. Everything is getting a lot harder. I guess that's what I get for taking like all honors classes. It's slowly killing me, but I can only hope it will be worth it in the end. Cheerleading has been amazing!! School cheerleading is finally over; this season seemed to drag on forever and it just wasn't as fun as I remembered thinking Varsity would be. However, I started All-Stars at ACC this year and I'm loving it!! I've gotten so much better and I've made so many new friends. That's what I feel like breaking up with Bradford gave me, and if you don't know him or the whole story then this won't make any sense and you'll wonder why I'm posting my life story on the internet, but it gave me so many new opportunities to make the most of life and spend more time with people that will value my time and friendship. I just feel like this year will be so much better from here on out. Woohoo. :]

Okay well it's almost midnight, I think, and I have la escuela en la manana so I should probably go to sleep. I'll try and keep updating this thing, but it's kind of just one more thing to remember to do...

With Love,

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